Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Just write something...


it's not the has been. it's not the could be. it's not the could have been.

it's wonder. it's maturing. it's love. it's dreaming. it's difficult.

it is the heart beat.

these words...if only I had a canvas and a brilliant set of oils...

The past few months have nearly slaughtered me. I'm content, yet ready to leave. I'm optimistic, yet scared. I'm being challenged in wild ways by the creator of the universe. I'm being challenged to stick to it, to persevere in what I know is right, in what I know I should do. Every day I must choose to be persistent through the hard stuff.

Honestly, I've taken a bit of a hiatus from writing. I've taken a break from art. I've taken a break to get my head back on straight. I'm learning the art of discipline. I'm learning the art of focus. I'm learning the art of investment (not the Wall Street kind). I'm learning to listen intentionally to God, not just yammer away toward heaven until I fall asleep.

I have nothing to say that would arrest you out of the quick skim you are taking of this blog. I have nothing to say that will enlighten you in a particular area of your life. I have nothing to say that will make this smattering of thoughts worthwhile. As well, I have made zero progress in any writing practice in the last month.

It's a combination of both the lack of discipline and inspiration to write that begs the question: what does God want me to say?

This my friends, is why I have been silent. And if I continue to be so, pray that it is a disciplined and intentional silence.

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